
Neck Pain in Cedar Rapids IA




Neck Pain in Cedar Rapids IA

Integrated Medicine of Iowa
375 Collins Rd NE #22
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402


Your Appointment


We're seeing fantastic results helping people with the following:

  • Reduced Tension

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Carpal Tunnel

  • Radiating Pain

  • Reduced Tension

  • Headaches

  • Migraines

  • Carpal Tunnel

  • Radiating Pain

Chiropractic Care For Neck Pain

Most people will suffer from neck pain at some time in their life. It's a frustrating problem that is usually related to mechanical or structural problems that develop around the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and discs of the spine. If you are suffering from neck pain in Cedar Rapids IA contact us today.


Pain Relief Cedar Rapids IA Aaron Meyer

DR. Aaron Meyer, DC

  • The Common Path

    Most of us were taught that you go to the hospital when you have a problem. In most cases that means we end up with medication or possibly surgery.

    Here are a few questions to ask yourself…

    • Are the pills designed to fix the cause of neck pain?
    • Will the pills prevent potential long-term degeneration that can occur?
    • Does your medical doctor have specific training in neck pain issues?
  • The Best Path in Cedar Rapids IA

    Chiropractors have extensive training in the assessment of neck pain. They are focused on finding the root cause of the problem as opposed to focusing only on symptoms.

    If you're struggling with neck pain please give our team a call. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you have.